Senz helps with

We help people dealing with depression or anxiety, especially when previous treatments did not produce the desired result.

With what kind of problems can you come to us?

Seeking Improvement and Relief

At Senz, we recognize that each person follows a unique path, shaped by their individual life experiences. You may have already pursued treatments including medication, through your general practitioner or within the mental health care system, but feel that progress is insufficient and are still searching for relief and advancement.

We approach treatment from a trauma-informed perspective, understanding that trauma is defined by what happened to you but by the impact those experiences have had on you. Often, trauma leads to a loss of connection—first with yourself and your body, then with others and your environment. Some patterns and behaviors that were once necessary for survival or stability may no longer serve you and can even become obstacles. Together, we explore ways to break these patterns, fostering growth and achieve the relief you are looking for.

Are you 18 years or older and you recognize the following complaints?

  • Reduced enjoyment in life
  • Feeling purposeless
  • A shrinking social network
  • Poor sleep
  • Physical complaints
  • Excessive worrying
  • Struggles with work and/or studies
  • Thoughts of death
  • Anxiety
  • Unhelpful behavior patterns
Gedicht van Toon Hermans in het bos bij SENZ

At Senz, we help you

Senz guides you towards a life in which you regain control over yourself and your environment, and rediscover balance and meaning.

At Senz, we help you:

  • move towards (or back to) a life with a healthier lifestyle
  • break free from unhelpful thought patterns
  • enhance your sense of purpose
  • experience greater self-compassion
  • strengthen connections with those around you

Senz provides specialized mental health care (GGZ) requiring a referral.